Welcome to Grey Ghost Outdoors NM located in the heart of Northeastern New Mexico. This is where the Rockies meet the Plains with all the glory of volcanic lava flows and the historic Santa Fe Trail.
At Grey Ghost Outdoors NM, we offer hunts in all legal species of elk, deer, antelope, turkey and bear that you will find in abundance in our wild landscape. We offer private land hunts only.
We are lifetime residents of this area with over 50 years of accumulated hunting experience. With this expertise we are able to select the best locations for our clients and allow for you, the hunter, to have the best possible chance for success in your hunting experience.
We accommodate both rifle and bow hunters. We will furnish your hunt with transportation to and from the hunt area from Raton, guide service, lunch, assistance with field dressing of game and transportation of game back to your lodging in Raton.
You will provide your rifle or bow, ammunition, personal gear and your license.
We have links below to the New Mexico Game and Fish website and a free downloadable app with hunting maps and information from the NM Game and Fish. Our hunts will take place within the boundaries of units 56 and 57. We require a 50% non-refundable deposit to book your hunts and provide our clients with the required land owner tags as part of your hunting purchase.
We provide our clients with a wide array of opportunities to get the kill. We know these mountains and valleys and will go to great lengths to make sure that everyone of our hunters has an enjoyable and successful hunt.
Call us today to check availability and pricing at
Thank you from Grey Ghost Outdoors NM
Check us out on Facebook too!

Steve Castillo
Hello, my name is Stephen (Steve) Castillo, owner of Grey Ghost Outdoors NM, LLC. I would like to take the time to invite you to our web page. I am a life long resident of North Eastern New Mexico and have spent nearly all my life on the ranches available for hunting.
I am a 4th generation owner of these properties and familiar with all of them.
You can be assured of excellent hunting opportunities as well as seeing some of the most beautiful country in the area.
I look forward to serving all hunters to the fullest so that the experience will have long lasting memories.
Thank You & Good Hunting

Ed Romero
A life long resident of the area, Eddie has years of experience "running around these hills." A father of three boys, he spent his formidable years playing sports, hunting, shed hunting, trapping and doing whatever boys do in small town America.
Eddie began learning about hunting and trapping at the age of three from his grandfather and today he enjoys passing all these same enjoyable qualities onto his children, all of which have picked the traits up quite well! With this experience at hand, the knowledge of the terrain, and the patience and guidance of how to find and follow these animals, Eddie will guide you to the creature your hunting for.
General Information
Above you will find pages with more information on our hunts, tips for what to bring, what to expect from the terrain, area information such as meat processing and taxidermy, lodging and food accommodations and more contact information and payment options.
Pursuant to State of New Mexico laws, it is required that the terms and conditions of all guided hunts in the state be set out in writing. Please click below for the printable REQUIRED Hunting Agreement/Contract.
Location, Location, Location

Your hunts will take place among the backdrop of ancient volcano's and their lava flows that lay on the high horizon like flat table tops or Mesa's as they are known. These flows have created an environment that rises to 8,000 feet above sea level with valleys that creep to the Plains at 6,000 feet. The ecosystem here provides for an abundance of fauna and floral, natural springs and ever changing weather that one may not expect to see in the high deserts of the Land of Enchantment.
For more information on New Mexico hunting guidelines, fees and licenses visit New Mexico Game and Fish or click here.
A free mobile app is available from New Mexico Game and Fish Department powered by Pocket Ranger® to enhance hunting and fishing in our state.
The app offers easy access to hunting and fishing maps, fishing reports, license purchasing, rules and regulations publications, news releases, and more. The app includes quick access to Operation Game Thief, mobile-accessible wildlife.state.nm.us and New Mexico Wildlife magazine.